Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base
Adding a part to a case by creating a sales order in Zumzum Financials is a streamlined process that helps manage inventory and order fulfilment efficiently. From an existing case, you can initiate this process by clicking the “Add Part” button. Begin by searching for and selecting the desired product in the Product field box. Next, choose the appropriate warehouse and location from which the product will be dispatched, ensuring that only those with available stock are visible.
You then have the option to either create a new Sales Order or add the part to an existing order. Similarly, you can choose to create a new Dispatch record or add the part to an existing dispatch record linked to the chosen Sales Order. After selecting the necessary options, click “Save” to finalise the addition of the part. This process ensures that inventory management and order processing are handled efficiently, maintaining accuracy and reducing manual entry errors.
Add Part On A Case By Creating A Sales Order
- From an existing Case click the Add Part button to place an order.
- Search and select the desired item In the Product field box.
- Select the Warehouse you wish to dispatch the product from (only those warehouses that have stock available will be visible).
- Select the Location you wish to dispatch the product from (only those locations that have stock available will be visible).
- Select Sales Order as New or you can choose an Existing order. (Selecting an existing order will add a line item to the existing sales order.)
- Select Dispatch as New or you can choose and Existing dispatch record on the current chosen Sales Order record. (Selecting an existing Dispatch record for your existing Sales order will add a dispatch line item to the existing dispatch record .
- Click “Save“
By following these steps to add a part to a case through a sales order, you ensure that the right products are dispatched from the correct locations and that inventory records are accurately updated. Whether creating new records or adding to existing ones, this approach streamlines the management of inventory and orders, enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy. Make sure to review and confirm all selections before saving to maintain data integrity and support effective case management. Learn more about Sales Order management in Zumzum Financials.