How To Create A Stock Balance Record

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    Managing stock effectively is essential for optimising inventory, reducing costs, and ensuring timely fulfilment of customer orders. With the ability to maintain multiple Stock Balance Records for individual product records, you can track inventory more precisely across various locations. To enable a product for a Stock Balance record, select “Stock Product” in the product settings. Once your product is enabled for Stock Balances, you can add Stock Balance records for each location where your product is stored.

    To create a record, search for the product you want to manage stock for and select it. Scroll down to the Stock Balances related list, click on “New” to create a new stock balance record, choose the Warehouse where your product is stored, select the specific location within the warehouse, and click “Save” to finalise the entry. By maintaining accurate Stock Balance records, you ensure that inventory levels are well-monitored and efficiently managed across different locations.

    Once you have enabled your product for Stock Balances, follow these steps to add your Stock Balance records, for each location of your product stock:

    How To Create A Stock Balance Record

    1. Search for the Product you would like to process stock for and click on it.
    2. Scroll to the Stock Balances related list.
    3. Click on New for a new stock balance record.
    4. Select the Warehouse your product is located in.
    5. Select the Location your product is located in.
    6. Click Save.

    Managing stock effectively is crucial for optimising inventory, reducing costs, and ensuring timely fulfillment of customer orders. By enabling multiple Stock Balance Records for individual products, you can track inventory more accurately across various locations. This process involves enabling the “Stock Product” setting, searching for the product, creating a new stock balance record, selecting the appropriate warehouse and location, and saving the entry. Accurate Stock Balance records help in monitoring and managing inventory levels efficiently across different locations. Learn more about product stock balance in Zumzum Financials.


    in Product Stock BalanceStock BalanceStock Balances Tags: LocationproductstockWarehouse