Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base
The Zumzum Financials Bank Customer Receipt API service provides the following capabilities
- Create a Bank Customer Receipt in the system and allocate payment to Sales Invoice line items.
- Post a Bank Customer Receipt as a customer Payment On Account.
- Bulk create Bank Customer Receipt in the system and allocate payment to Sales Invoice line items.
- Bulk create Bank Customer Receipt as a customer Payment On Account.
Bank Customer Receipt Description
The Bank Customer Receipt Service provides the capability to allocate Bank Receipts to Sales Invoice Line Items in Zumzum Financials. The system will take care of tracking paid and unpaid amounts against Sales Invoices. You should be aware of the following:
- Bank Receipts are automatically posted to the Zumzum Financials general ledger.
- When using the BankCustomerReceiptService Apex class, you will be creating the following records
- Batch Bank Receipt
- Bank Receipt
- Bank Receipt Line Item
- Ledger
- Ledger Payment History (Allocations to Sales Invoice Line Items)
- All Bank Receipt Line Item values will need to be provided as a positive number as negative amounts are not supported.
- If you wish to reverse a Bank Customer Receipt then you will need to post an alternative transactions, e.g. a Sales Credit and Bank Customer Refund (both should be included in your Bank Reconciliation process)
- You are unable to un post or delete a Bank Receipt and it’s associated records once you have posted to the ledger.
- The Bulk Create Bank Customer Receipt and Bulk Create Bank Customer Payment on Account methods support a maximum of 40 accounts per API call.
The BankCustomerReceiptService function will accept the list of ‘BankCustomerReceiptWrapper’ as an input parameter. Below are the required fields when a Bank Receipt is created.
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper API Fields
Object Name | Field Name | API Name | Type | Required |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | Account | AccountId | Lookup (Account_c) | Yes |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | Amount | BankReceiptAmount | Decimal (2 decimal places) | Yes, For Customer Payment on Account Only |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | APICustomFieldWrapper | APICustomFieldWrapper | List (objectAPIName, fieldAPIName, fieldValue) | No |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | Bank | BankAccountId | Lookup (Zumzum__Bank_Account__c) | Yes |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | BankReceiptLine | BankReceiptLine | List | Yes, Except For Customer Payment On Account. |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | Date | PostingDate | Date | Yes |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | Reference | Reference | String (255) | No |
BankCustomerReceiptWrapper | Tax Rate | TaxRate | Lookup (Zumzum_Tax_Rate__c) | Yes, For Customer Payment on Account Only |
The BankCustomerReceiptService function will accept the list of ‘BankReceiptLine’ as an input parameter. Below are the required fields when allocating a Bank Customer Receipt line to a Sales Invoice Line item.
Note: You would query your unpaid Sales Invoice Line items and then find the Ledger record of the Debtors Control Account so that you may pass the Ledger Name as a variable to the BankReceiptLine list.
BankReceiptLine API Fields
Object Name | Field Name | API Name | Data Type | Required |
BankReceiptLine | Amount | Amount | Number (16,2) | Yes |
BankReceiptLine | APICustomFieldWrapper | APICustomFieldWrapper | List (objectAPIName, fieldAPIName, fieldValue) | No |
BankReceiptLine | Ledger Name | LedgerName | String | Yes |
The BankCustomerReceipt Service will accept the list of ‘APICustomFieldWrapper’ as an input parameter. Once you have created your custom fields on this object, you would be able to pass those as variables to the API for creating and updating records. Below are the required fields when creating adding custom fields to your API call.
APICustomFieldWrapper API Fields
Object Name | Field Name | API Name | Data Type | Required |
APICustomFieldWrapper | Object API Name | objectAPIName | String | Yes |
APICustomFieldWrapper | Field API Name | fieldAPIName | String | Yes |
APICustomFieldWrapper | Field Value | fieldValue | String | Yes |
Create a Bank Customer Receipt – CreateBankCustomerReceipt Method
Below is information related on how to allocate customer receipts to Sales Invoice Line Items with the Bank Customer Receipt API service using Apex code. Zumzum Financials includes a global class called BankCustomerReceiptService which you may call from your own Apex code. The CreateBankCustomerReceipt method is used to insert a Batch Bank Receipt record, with a Bank Receipt, Bank Receipt Lines, ledger records and Ledger Payment History (Payment Allocations). The service returns a list of Bank Receipt records created.
Global Class Name | Method | Input | Output |
BankCustomerReceiptService | CreateBankCustomerReceipt | List “BankCustomerReceiptWrapper” | List of type object, e.g. “Bank_Receipt__c” |
Sample Code: Create Bank Customer Receipt
This example is provided to help you begin creating your own custom code.
The code will post a single Batch Bank Receipt record, with a Bank Receipt Line, two ledger records and one Ledger Payment History (Payment Allocations).
The following steps will be performed:
- Prepare the list collection “List<BankCustomerReceiptWrapper>” to supply as an input for the CreateBankCustomerReceipt function.
- Prepare the list collection “List<BankReceiptLine>” to supply as an input for the CreateBankCustomerReceipt function.
- Create the Bank Customer Receipt
- Return a list of the Bank Receipt created with “Bank_Receipt__c”
Sample Code :
/**************Create Bank Customer Receipt*****************************/ // Initiate A New Bank Customer Receipt zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService objCustomerReceiptService = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService(); // Create Bank Customer Receipt Wrapper zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper objReceiptWrapper = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper(); // Provide the Customer Account ID objReceiptWrapper.AccountId = '0013H000002bIDHQA2'; // Provide the Customer Payment Transaction Date objReceiptWrapper.PostingDate = Date.Today(); // Provide the Bank Account ID objReceiptWrapper.BankAccountId = 'a0K3H000000ExmXUAS'; // Create a wrapper to contain the Custom API Fields objReceiptWrapper.WrapperAPICustomFields = new List<zumzum.APICustomFieldWrapper>(); // Add the custom fields to the WrapperAPICustomFields objReceiptWrapper.WrapperAPICustomFields.add(new zumzum.APICustomFieldWrapper('Zumzum__Bank_Receipt__c','Zumzum__Cheque_Number__c','bank receipt created using api service')); // Create a list of Bank Receipt Line items for the Bank Customer Receipt. List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine> listPaymentLines = new List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine>(); // Add a bank receipt line item 1 zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine objPaymentLine = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine(); // Add the Ledger Name and Amount to the Bank Receipt Line item objPaymentLine.LedgerName = '0000056131'; objPaymentLine.Amount = 28.80; // Create a wrapper to add customer API fields to the Bank Receipt Line item objPaymentLine.WrapperAPICustomFields = new List<zumzum.APICustomFieldWrapper>(); // Add the Bank Receipt Line item to the list of bank receipt line items listPaymentLines.add(objPaymentLine); //Add the bank receipt line items to the list of bank receipt line items listPaymentLines.add(objPaymentLine); objReceiptWrapper.BankReceiptLines = listPaymentLines; // Execute the command to create the Bank Customer Receipt. zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.Response objResponse = objCustomerReceiptService.CreateBankCustomerReceipt(objReceiptWrapper); system.debug('Response>>' + objResponse.ResponseMessage); /**********************************************************/
Create a Bank Customer Payment On Account – PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount Method
Below is information related on how to post a customer Payment On Account with the Bank Customer Receipt API Service using Apex code. Zumzum Financials includes a global class called BankCustomerPaymentService which you may call from your own Apex code. The PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount method is used to insert a Batch Bank Receipt record, with a Bank Receipt, Bank Receipt Line Item and Ledger records. The service returns a list of Bank Receipt records created.
Global Class Name | Method | Input | Output |
BankCustomerPaymentService | PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount | List “BankCustomerPaymentWrapper” | List of type object, e.g. “Bank_Receipt__c” |
Sample Code: Post Bank Customer Payment On Account
This example is provided to help you begin creating your own custom code.
The code will post a single Batch Bank Receipt record, with a Bank Receipt record, a Bank Receipt Line with two ledger records. The bank account balance and customer account balances will be reduced as a result of posting this entry.
The following steps will be performed:
- Prepare the list collection “List<BankCustomerPaymentWrapper>” to supply as an input for the PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount function.
- Post the Bank Customer Payment On Account
- Return a list of the Bank Receipt created with “Bank_Receipt__c”
Sample Code :
/**************Start Create Bank Customer Payment On Account Sample Script*****************************/ // Initiate A New Bank Customer Receipt zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService objBankCustomerReceiptService = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService(); // Create Bank Customer Receipt Wrapper zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper objReceiptWrapper = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper(); // Provide the Customer Account ID objReceiptWrapper.AccountId = '0013H000002bIDHQA2'; // Provide the Customer Payment Transaction Date objReceiptWrapper.PostingDate = Date.Today(); // Provide the Bank Account ID objReceiptWrapper.BankAccountId = 'a0K3H000000ExmXUAS'; // Provide the Bank Customer Receipt Tax Rate objReceiptWrapper.TaxRate = 'a173H0000008OciQAE'; // Provide the Customer Payment On Account Amount objReceiptWrapper.BankReceiptAmount = 1000; // Execute the command to post the Bank Customer Payment On Account zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.Response objResponse = objBankCustomerReceiptService.PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount(objReceiptWrapper); // Receive a response of the Bank Receipt records created system.debug('Response>>' + objResponse.ResponseMessage); /**************End Create Bank Customer Payment On Account Sample Script********************************************/
Bulk Create Bank Customer Receipt Records – CreateBankCustomerReceipt Method
To handle large volumes of transactions, the Zumzum Financials Bank Customer Receipt Service will take a list of bank transactions to process.
Your list may contain multiple customer Accounts IDs with multiple payment lines for each payment. Below is an example of how to allocate multiple Bank Customer Receipts to multiple customer accounts. Each Bank Customer Receipt will be allocated to a Sales Invoice Line Item.
Global Class Name | Method | Input | Output |
BankCustomerReceiptService | CreateBankCustomerReceipt | List “BankCustomerReceiptWrapper” | List of type object, e.g. “Bank_Receipt__c” |
Paramaters: Bulk Create Bank Customer Receipt Records
When creating an instance of the bulk Create Bank Customer Receipts method, you are provided with the option to provide parameters as per the Salesforce Apex Developer Guide for Apex Constructors. The default behaviour is to have no-argument constructor is used. The bulk create bank customer receipt service accepts the following parameters.
Global Class Name | Method | Parameters | Type | Description |
BankCustomerReceiptService | CreateBankCustomerReceipt | IgnoreErrors | Boolean | Use if you wish to process a list of Bank Customer Receipts and skip any that contain errors, while processing the others. |
Sample Code: Bulk Create Bank Customer Receipt Records
This example is provided to help you begin creating your own custom code.
The code will post multiple Batch Bank Receipt records, with Bank Receipt Lines. Each Bank Receipt Line will create two ledger records and one Ledger Payment History record (Payment Allocations).
The following steps will be performed:
- Prepare the list collection “List<BankCustomerReceiptWrapper>” to supply as an input for the CreateBankCustomerReceipt function.
- Prepare the list collection “List<BankReceiptLine>” to supply as an input for the CreateBankCustomerReceipt function.
- Create the Bank Customer Receipt records
- Return a list of the Bank Receipt records created with “Bank_Receipt__c”
Sample Code :
/*****Start Sample Code Bulk Create Bank Customer Receipts For Multiple Accounts With Multiple Lines (with IgnoreError=true)**************/ // Declare the ID of the Bank Account to process the payments. Id bankAccountID = 'a0K3H000000ExmXUAS'; // (Optional) Declare the ID of the Tax Rate to process the payments. Id taxrate = 'a173H0000008OciQAE'; // Declare the variable to hold a unique Set of Account IDs Set<string> salesInvoiceIds = new Set<string>(); // Query the system to retrieve a list of Sales Invoices/Lines to be paid. for(Sales_Invoice__c pi : [Select id,name,Account__c FROM Sales_Invoice__c Where Status__c='Posted' order by createddate desc limit 2]){ salesInvoiceIds.add(pi.id); } // Create a new instance of the Bank Customer Receipt Object. zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService objCustomerReceiptService = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService(); // Create the Bank Customer Receipt Wrapper to hold the list of Bank Customer Receipts. List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper> listOfBankReceiptWrapper = new List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper>(); // Add a map to store the list of Sales Invoices and ledger Records map<id,List<Ledger__c>> mapOfLedgersBySI = new map<id,List<Ledger__c>>(); map<id,Sales_Invoice__c> mapOfsI = new map<id,Sales_Invoice__c>([Select id,name,Account__c FROM Sales_Invoice__c Where ID IN: salesInvoiceIds]); // Query the system to retrieve a list of ledger records per sales invoice line item for(Ledger__c ldgr : [Select id,Name,Foreign_Gross_Total__c,Sales_Invoice__c,Customer_Supplier_Account_Name__c From Ledger__c Where Sales_Invoice__c IN: salesInvoiceIds AND Customer_Supplier_Account_Name__c <> '' AND Show_On_Transaction__c = 1 AND Paid__c = 'N']){ List<Ledger__c> lstLedger = mapOfLedgersBySI.get(ldgr.Sales_Invoice__c); if(lstLedger == null){ lstLedger = new List<Ledger__c>(); } lstLedger.add(ldgr); mapOfLedgersBySI.put(ldgr.Sales_Invoice__c,lstLedger); } Integer indx=1; for(Sales_Invoice__c salesInvoice : mapOfSI.values()){ List<Ledger__c> lstLedger = mapOfLedgersBySI.get(salesInvoice.id); if(lstLedger == null || lstLedger.isempty()){ continue; } // Add the list of Customer Accounts to the Bank Customer Receipt Wrapper. zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper objReceiptWrapper = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper(); objReceiptWrapper.AccountId = '0013H000002bIDHQA2'; objReceiptWrapper.PostingDate = Date.Today(); objReceiptWrapper.BankAccountId = 'a0K3H000000ExmXUAS'; if(indx > 1){ objReceiptWrapper.AccountId = '0013H000002bIDHQA2'; } // Add the list of ledger records to be included in the Bank Receipt Lines to be paid. List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine> listPaymentLines = new List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine>(); zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine objPaymentLine; for(Ledger__c l : lstLedger){ objPaymentLine = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankReceiptLine(); objPaymentLine.LedgerName = l.name; objPaymentLine.Amount = 100; listPaymentLines.add(objPaymentLine); } objReceiptWrapper.BankReceiptLines = listPaymentLines; listOfBankReceiptWrapper.add(objReceiptWrapper); indx++; } // Execute the command to process the list of Bank Customer Receipts. zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.Response objResponse = objCustomerReceiptService.CreateBankCustomerReceipt(listOfBankReceiptWrapper,true); system.debug('Response>>' + objResponse.ResponseMessage); system.debug('BankReceipts>>' + objResponse.BankReceipts); /****End Sample Code Bulk Create Bank Customer Receipts For Multiple Accounts With Multiple Lines (with IgnoreError=true)***************************************************/
Bulk Create Bank Customer Payment On Account Records – PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount Method
To handle large volumes of transactions, the Zumzum Financials Bank Customer Receipt Service will take a list of bank transactions to process.
Your list may contain multiple customer Accounts IDs with multiple payment lines. Below is an example of how to post multiple Bank Customer Payments On Accounts to create multiple Bank Receipts.
Global Class Name | Method | Input | Output |
BankCustomerPaymentService | PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount | List “BankCustomerPaymentWrapper” | List of type object, e.g. “Bank_Receipt__c” |
Paramaters: Bulk Create Bank Customer Payment On Account Records
When creating an instance of the bulk Create Bank Customer Receipts method, you are provided with the option to provide parameters as per the Salesforce Apex Developer Guide for Apex Constructors. The default behaviour is to have no-argument constructor is used. The bulk create bank customer receipt service accepts the following parameters.
Global Class Name | Method | Parameters | Type | Description |
BankCustomerReceiptService | PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount | IgnoreErrors | Boolean | Set to True, if you wish to process a list of Bank Customer Receipts and skip any that contain errors, while processing the others. |
Sample Code: Bulk Post Bank Customer Payment On Account Records
This example is provided to help you begin creating your own custom code.
The code will post multiple Batch Bank Receipt records, with Bank Receipt Lines.
The following steps will be performed:
- Prepare the list collection “List<BankCustomerPaymentWrapper>” to supply as an input for the PostBankCustomerPaymentOnAccount function.
- Post the Bank Customer Payment On Account
- Return a list of the Bank Receipt created with “Bank_Receipt__c”
Sample Code :
/*******Start Sample Post Bank Customer Payment on multiple account (with IgnoreError=true)**********/ // Declare the ID of the Bank Account to process the payments. Id bankAccountID = 'a037E00000AupT8'; //Declare the ID of the Tax Rate to process the payments. Id taxrate = 'a1H7E000001pFha'; zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService objCustomerReceiptService = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService(); // Declare the variable to hold a unique Set of Account IDs Set<string> acctIds = new Set<string>(); // Query the system to retrieve a list of Customer Accounts to process payments on account. for(Account acc : [Select id,name from account where Type='Customer' limit 2]){ acctIds.add(acc.id); } // Create the Bank Customer Receipt Wrapper to hold the list of Bank Customer Payment On Account. List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper> listOfBankReceiptWrapper = new List<zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptServic e.BankCustomerReceiptWrapper>( ); decimal amt = 1; integer indx=1; for(string accId : acctIds){ // Initiate a new instance of the Bank Customer Receipt Object zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.Ban kCustomerReceiptWrapper objReceiptWrapper = new zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.Ban kCustomerReceiptWrapper(); // Add the data to the each Customer payment on account to the wrapper objReceiptWrapper.AccountId = accId; objReceiptWrapper.PostingDate = Date.Today(); objReceiptWrapper.BankAccountI d = bankAccountID; objReceiptWrapper.TaxRate = taxrate; objReceiptWrapper.BankReceiptA mount = amt; if(indx > 1){ objReceiptWrapper.TaxRate = null; } // Add each Customer payment on account to the list of bank receipts to process listOfBankReceiptWrapper.add(o bjReceiptWrapper); amt++; indx++; } // Execute the command to create Bank Customer Payments on Account with IgnoreErrors as true zumzum.BankCustomerReceiptService.Res ponse objResponse = objCustomerReceiptService.Post BankCustomerPaymentOnAccount(l istOfBankReceiptWrapper,true); system.debug('Response>>' + objResponse.ResponseMessage); system.debug('BankReceipts>>' + objResponse.BankReceipts); /***************************** **************************/
Below are a list of error codes that are returned by the Bank Customer Receipt Service.
Supported Error Codes – Bank Customer Receipt Service (API)
Error Message | Reason | Resolution |
[ResponseMessage=Please provide the BankReceiptLine variable] | The list of Bank Receipts does not contain a Bank Receipt Line. | Submit the BankReceiptLine with all the necessary fields, for a Bank Receipt Line to be created |
[ResponseMessage= |
The Bank Receipt line value is zero | Submit the BankReceiptLine with the “Amount” value greater than 0.00 |
[ResponseMessage= |
Tax Rate is missing from the Bank Receipt Line | Submit the BankCustomerReceiptWrapper with the “TaxRate” value as an ID to the Zumzum_Tax_Rate__c record to be used as your tax rate for this line item. |
“[ResponseMessage= |
Customer Account is missing from the Bank Receipt Customer Receipt | Submit the BankCustomerReceiptWrapper with the “AccountID” value as an ID to the Account_c record to be used for this line item. |
“[ResponseMessage= “ |
Bank Account is missing from the Bank Receipt Line | Submit the BankCustomerReceiptWrapper with the “BankAccountID” value as an ID to the Zumzum_Bank_Account__c record to be used for this line item. |
“[ResponseMessage= |
Date is missing from the Bank Receipt Line | Submit the BankReceiptWrapper with the “PostingDate” value to be used for this line item. |
“[ResponseMessage= |
The value provided to Reference has exceeded the 255 character limit. | Submit the BankCustomerReceiptWrapper with the “Reference” value with 255 characters or less. |
“[ResponseMessage= |
The BankReceiptLine variable is missing a a Ledger Name. | Submit the BankReceiptLine with the “LedgerName” value of a ledger record related to an unpaid Sales Invoice Line Item. |
“[ResponseMessage= |
The BankReceiptLine Amount is greater than the unpaid amount on the ledger record for this Sales Invoice Line Item | Submit the BankReceiptLine with the “Amount” value less than or equal to the unpaid amount of the Sales Invoice Line Item. |
“[ResponseMessage= |
The BankReceiptLine is invalid as it is not the Debtors Control Account of the Sales Invoice Line item. | Submit the BankReceiptLine with the “LedgerName” value of a ledger record related to an unpaid Sales Invoice Line Item which contains the Debtors Control Account. |