Disable Account Number Uniqueness Check

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    This setting will disable the method in the account trigger, which compares the account number a user is entering with existing accounts in the system.  If an existing account with the same account number is found, an error is displayed to the user.

    Disable Account Number Uniqueness Checks

    When entering an Account Number for a potential customer (prospect), supplier or customer account, Zumzum Financials will validate the uniqueness of the account number before allowing you to save the record.

    In certain use cases, you may decide to you wish to disable this capability, e.g. :

    • Importing large amounts of account data
    • Automating your account number creation
    • Implementing your own custom duplicate management rules

    This capability should be tested in your Sandbox before repeating in your production system.

    Here are the steps on how to change this:

    1. Go to Setup
    2. In the Quick Find box search for Custom Metadata Types.
    3. In the list of metadata records find the Account Settings
    4. Click  Manage Records next to the Account Settings record
    5. Click Edit for Account Settings.
    6. Check the Disable Account Number Uniqueness Check field, enable by selecting the check box.
    7. Click Save.

    Implementing Your Own Custom Duplicate Management Rules

    You should decide if you plan to use the Account Number as a unique identifier for your customers or track this value through your Zumzum Financials reports.  If you decide you do wish to implement policies around the construct and uniqueness of your account numbers, then you have a range of tools available from Salesforce to keep your data consistent and clean.

    Please consider the following options and select the appropriate approach for your organisation: