How to ensure that a Zumzum Financials user is able to see all fields on the Sales Invoice/PDF.

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    To ensure that a Zumzum Financials user can view all fields on a Sales Invoice PDF, you may need to adjust user permissions. If fields are missing on the generated PDF, you have two options. First, update the user’s custom profile by adjusting the “Field Level Security” settings for each object, ensuring that all relevant fields are visible. Note that this approach grants broad access to view and delete records across the system. Alternatively, you can add the Zumzum Financials Super Admin Permission Set to the user’s profile or create a new permission set that includes the necessary permissions. This method allows you to manage permissions more efficiently by applying changes to a single permission set rather than modifying multiple profiles.


    When the PDF is generated from a Sales Invoice, you are not able to see all the fields from the Sales Invoice record on the PDF.


    There are two techniques here:

    1. Update the custom user profile, specifically “Field level security” on each object (scroll down the page)

    Word of caution, this users profile has been modified to see all data and to view and delete all records from the system, it’s checked on every object.

    2. Add the Zumzum Financials Super Admin Permission Set (or create a new permission set).

    This is a feature that adds an extra permission on top of the existing permissions. This way, you only ever change it once on the permission set, rather than update several profiles.

    Find out more information to help you setup and configure Zumzum Financials.