How To Import Journals To Zumzum Financials

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    You are able to bulk import Journals with Journal Line Items to Zumzum Financials using the standard Salesforce data loader tools or third-party data import and management tools.

    Note:  If you decide to proceed with importing your own Journals, then you will need to handle all the multi currency conversions prior to importing your data.  If you would like Zumzum Financials to handle the conversion of currencies, then please contact Zumzum to discuss your custom integration project requirements.

    Please test your Journal import routines in your Sandbox before importing to your Salesforce production org.

    Creating Your Journal Manually Or Via Salesforce Data Loader

    If you are importing a single Journal to Zumzum Financials, you made find it simpler to visit the web interface and create a Journal record in Zumzum Financials rather than import using the data loader.  If you do this, then retrieve the Journal ID and proceed to preparing your Journal Line Item import file, otherwise, please follow the steps to import your Journals via the import routine below.

    Importing A Journal Record

    You will need to prepare your file as a CSV file to be able to import Journal records to Zumzum Financials. Please ensure you only import your Journals as draft status to avoid any validation errors in Salesforce.  Once you have imported your Journals, you will need to extract your Journal record id(s) so that you are able to assign  the ID to the rows in your Journal Line Item import file.

    Below is a list of the mandatory fields you will need to enter in your Journal import file

    Please download a copy of the Journal Import Template for your use.


    Importing Journal Line Item Records

    Once you have imported or created your Journal record and you have exported your Journal ID(s), you are ready to import your journal line items.  Please ensure each of your journal line items is related to a journal record via the ID(s) you have created.  Work with your file to prepare your CSV using the template below.  Once you have your CSV ready, please go ahead and import your journal line item records with your chosen data loader for Salesforce.

    Below is a list of the mandatory fields you will need to enter in your Journal Line item import file

    Please download a copy of the Journal Import Template for your use.




    in Import Journals Tags: DataImportInvoiceJournalSales Invoice