How to process a customer return of Stock into the Warehouse

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    Processing a customer return of stock into the warehouse involves recording the returned items, updating inventory levels, inspecting the stock, and making necessary financial adjustments to accurately reflect the return in the warehouse and accounting systems.

    To efficiently manage customer service requests and approve product returns, consider using Salesforce cases. For updating stock information, begin by navigating to the Stock Balances tab and selecting the record corresponding to the Product, Warehouse, and Location. Then, go to the Inbound Stock Movement-related list and click New. Enter the date of stock receipt in the Movement Date field, and include a Serial Number if applicable. Record the Quantity of stock received and the Unit Cost for a single unit. Specify the Type of stock movement, and click Save to update the record. This process ensures accurate tracking and management of stock levels.

    How to Process a Customer Return of Stock into the Warehouse

    You may wish to consider using Salesforce cases to record and manage customer service requests and approve the returns requested by your customers.

    1. Go to the Stock Balances tab.
    2. Select the record for the Product which matches the Warehouse and Location.
    3. Go to the Inbound Stock Movement related list and click New.
    4. Select the date that you receive the stock in the Movement Date.
    5. You can enter a Serial Number for the stock if necessary.
    6. Enter the Quantity of stock that you received.
    7. Enter the price of a single unit in the Unit Cost.
    8. Finally, choose what Type of stock movement it is.
    9. Click Save to update the record.

    Learn more about processing a customer return and product stock balances in Zumzum Financials.