Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base
If users encounter an error when attempting to delete a product from an Opportunity in Zumzum Financials. This issue typically arises when a Sales Invoice Plan associated with the Opportunity product is marked as Active or has already generated a Sales Invoice. To resolve this, the Sales Invoice Plan must be set to Suspended or Draft status. If a Sales Invoice has already been generated, further assistance from the System Administrator may be required to delete the Opportunity product.
Unable to delete an Opportunity product line
When attempting to delete a product from an opportunity the user is presented with an error.
This error normally occurs if there is a Sales Invoice Plan associated with the Opportunity product and is marked as Active or if the Sales Invoice Plan has a Sales Invoice generated against it.
Set the Sales Invoice Plan as Suspended or Draft to be able to delete the Opportunity Product or contact your System Administrator in case a Sales Invoice has been generated for the Sales Invoice Plan.
In summary, users may face an error when trying to delete a product in Zumzum Financials. This issue often occurs if a Sales Invoice Plan linked to the product is marked as Active or has already generated a Sales Invoice. To resolve this, the Sales Invoice Plan should be set to Suspended or Draft status. If a Sales Invoice has been generated, contacting the System Administrator may be necessary to proceed with deleting the product. Learn more about creating Sales Invoice Plans to schedule Sales Invoices to be created in the system.