What is the Maximum Number of Line Items That May be Paid Via the Bank Supplier Payment Screen?

Zumzum Financials Knowledge Base


    In Salesforce and Zumzum Financials, system limits are applied to ensure optimal performance and manageability; users need to be aware of these limits to effectively process payments. Specifically, the maximum number of line items that can be processed in a single payment transaction via the Bank Supplier Payment screen is 50. This limit ensures that large batches of payments are handled efficiently within the system’s constraints.

    Description: What is the Maximum Number of Line Items That May be Paid Via the Bank Supplier Payment Screen?

    Salesforce applies limits to systems which are also reflected in Zumzum Financials.  You are able to create and post a purchase invoice with a maximum of 50 line items.


    The maximum number of line items which you may pay via the Bank Supplier Payment screen is 50, however, this may be reduced if you have implemented your own custom workflow rules, process builder rules or triggers.   Please test in your sandbox.

    Understanding the maximum number of line items you can process via the Bank Supplier Payment screen is crucial for managing your payment transactions effectively in Zumzum Financials. By default, Salesforce allows up to 50 line items per payment transaction. However, this limit could be reduced if custom workflow rules, process builder rules, or triggers have been implemented in your system. To ensure that your payment processes function as expected, it is recommended to test this limit in your sandbox environment. This precaution helps prevent potential issues during live transactions and ensures that your payment processing remains smooth and within the prescribed limits.

    Learn more about bank payments sent to suppliers related to purchase invoices or supplier payments on account.

    in Supplier Payment