View all your bank
accounts in one place and
improve visibility into
your cash management.
Track balances, payments and transactions for
multiple bank accounts and increase staff efficiency.

Cash Management

Record all of your bank transactions

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Allocate customer payments to invoices

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Fully pay sales invoice lines or record part payments

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View all your payment allocations

Cash Management

Total flexibility in how you manage your cash.

Easily apply payments to accounts not tied to an invoice, record payments not applied to a single customer and transfer funds across accounts. Automate manual processes and improve your staff productivity.

Easily reconcile your bank accounts to maintain accurate cash balances.

Reconcile all your current, savings and credit card accounts from any web browser. Quickly detect banking errors, handle exceptions and report on accurate balances.
Cash Management

Get a complete, real-time picture of your company’s cash flows.

Track bank receipts, payments and transfers for all your bank accounts, companies and currencies. Use list views, reports and dashboards to drill down to individual bank account transactions.

Find out how we can help you improve your cash management processes.

Streamline your end to end business processes, increase your staff productivity and retire your spreadsheets, 100% native on the Salesforce platform.

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